Medexia Limited is a Nigerian Company whose Memorandum and Article of Association permits the Company, inter-alia, to transact "medical expenses administration, healthcare delivery, medical cost curtailment" and other such allied matters.
Medexia Limited was incorporated in November 1996 with an Authorised Share Capital of =N=10 Million fully Paid Up, which has now been increased to =N=400,250,000 Million Paid Up Share Capital. The Authorised Share Capital has been further increased to =N=500 Million, in view of the increasing capacity and inline with NHIS Statutory requirements.
The Company is also accredited by the National Health Insurance Scheme as a registered Health Maintenance Organization with registration number HMO/44.
Further, with effect from January 1998 Medexia Limited was appointed an Agent for Asclepius (International) Limited to handle "S.O.S" EMERGENCY EVACUATION and "BLOOD CARE PROGRAMME" Schemes.